IJ Manuals

The Investigative Journalism Manual is  filled to the brim with strategies, tactics, techniques and methodologies that will enable you to dig deeper, unearth more truth, and expose as much injustice as possible.  The chapters have been written and edited by renowned journalism trainer and author Gwen Ansell on the basis of case studies and contributions sent in by FAIR journalists.  The IJ Manual is a work in progress. The first 9 chapters were produced by FAIR and WITS University. Financial support was received from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which recently translated the chapters into French language. 


Preface [EN]   Préface [FR]    Prefácio [POR]

Introduction [EN]   Introduction [FR]

How to use the manual [EN]   Notes à l’intention [FR]


Chapter 1: About Investigative reporting 
Capítulo 1: O que é jornalismo de investigação
Chapitre 1: Définition du journalisme d’investigation
Chapter 2: Generating story ideas
Capítulo 2: Concepção de ideias para uma reportagem
Chapitre 2: Trouver des idées d’article
Chapter 3: Planning the investigation
Capítulo 3: Planeamento da investigação
Chapitre 3: Planifier l’investigation
Chapter 4: Sources and spindoctors
Capítulo 4: Fontes e manipuladores da verdade
Chapitre 4: Sources et spécialistes de la communication
Chapter 5: Forensic interviewing
Capítulo 5: A entrevista de investigação
Chapitre 5: Les entretiens d’investigation
Chapter 6: Basic research tools
Capítulo 6: Investigação básica
Chapitre 6: Les outils élémentaires de la recherche
Chapter 7: Telling the story
Capítulo 7: Redacção do texto
Chapitre 7: Rédiger l’article
Chapter 8: Ethics and general legal principles
Capítulo 8: Aspectos legais e deontológicos da investigação
Chapitre 8: Loi et déontologie de l’investigation
Chapter 9: Investigating health issues
Chapitre 9: Enquêter sur les questions de santé


About the Team [EN]   L’équipe [FR]   Equipa [POR]

6 thoughts on “IJ Manuals”

  1. i have just finished going through the manual and i will go through it again shortly, and again later, and again …. because this is a masterclass tool for investigative journalism. for those inclined to exposing injustice, fraud and untruth [and i can’t count how many such cases there are in a country like mine, malawi] in order to help make the society an improved place, the manual is equivalent to a lamp casting its full light in the dark alley towards exposing the untruths. thank you FAIR and KAS for this material. please give us more of such rich stuff.

  2. i have just finished summrizing the manual ” story-based inquiry a manual for investigative journalists” i will go through your manual and study it. thank you FAIR

  3. Hah !!
    What a great material. This is the most in dept material i have seen oon IJ.
    Thanks For the Noble Work

  4. A clear Road map to light up evils of men and women who want to darken society.Thanks Fair!!

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